Organic Chemistry: A mechanistic approach provides readers with a concise review of the essential concepts underpinning the subject. It combines a focus on core topics and themes with a mechanistic approach to the explanation of the reactions it describes, making it ideal for those looking for a solid understanding of the central themes of organic chemistry. Opening with a review of chemical bonding and molecular shape and structure, the book then introduces the principal groups of organic compound before exploring the range of reactions they undergo. It retains an emphasis throughout on how and why organic compounds behave in the way they do, with a chapter on how mechanisms are investigated and the closing chapter describing the principal methods by which the structure and composition of organic compounds are studied. With an understanding of organic chemistry being central to the study and practice of a range of disciplines, Organic Chemistry is the ideal resource for those studying a one- or two-semester organic chemistry course as part of a broader programme of study in the physical and life sciences. Online Resource Centre: For registered adopters of the book: -Figures from the book in electronic format -Answers to end-of-chapter problems -Examples of organic synthesis reactions, related to topics covered in the book, for use in teaching -Additional problems (with answers), to augment those included in the book For students: -Answers to in-chapter exercises -3D-rotatable models of numerous compounds featured in the book -Multiple-choice questions for each chapter, to help students check their understanding of topics they have learned
Organic Chemistry A Mechanistic Approach Free Download
January 6, 2022
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