Quantum Mechanics, 2nd Edition Free Download

Quantum Mechanics, 2nd Edition
Quantum Mechanics, 2nd Edition

About The Book

In an effort to excite college seniors and first-year graduate students about the essence of quantum mechanics, Goswami always begins a topic with what students know before moving into more complex areas. He teaches students how to ask the right questions, satisfying their interest in the meaning and interpretation of quantum mechanics, and treats the nitty-gritty details carefully. The unifying approach of the book presents quantum mechanics not only as a schema for successful calculations and predictions but also as a basis for a new and exciting worldview. The most unusual aspect of the book is an ongoing presentation of the radicalness of quantum mechanics as compared to classical physics. Outstanding features: 1) gives a thorough grounding in the fundamental aspects of quantum mechanics; 2) provides a wealth of worked-out examples; 3) offers a balanced presentation of quantum system, which helps students make a bridge to whichever aspect of modern physics they want to pursue; 4) goes into enough depth without exceeding the mathematical level of the beginning student; and 5) liberates physics students from the bonds of classical prejudices.

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