Quantum Mechanics Demystified Free Download

Quantum Mechanics Demystified
Quantum Mechanics Demystified

About The Book

If you think projection operators work in the cinema, or learning about spin-1/2 makes your head, well, spin, Quantum Mechanics DeMYSTiFieD will energize your knowledge of this topic’s fundamental concepts and theories, and allow you to learn at your own pace. This thoroughly revised and updated guide eases you into the subject, beginning with wave mechanics then introducing you to the mathematical foundations needed to do modern quantum physics. As you progress, you will learn the fundamentals of matrix mechanics, including how to compute the trace of a matrix, find eigenvalues, and use ladder operators. You will understand the difference between time independent perturbation and time dependent perturbation theory and other once complicated concepts. Detailed examples make it easy to understand the material, and end-of-chapter quizzes and a final exam help reinforce key ideas.

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