Student Friendly Quantum Field Theory: Basic Principles and Quantum Electrodynamics Free Download

Student Friendly Quantum Field Theory: Basic Principles and Quantum Electrodynamics
Student Friendly Quantum Field Theory: Basic Principles and Quantum Electrodynamics

About The Book

By incorporating extensive student input and innovative teaching methodologies, this book aims to make the process of learning quantum field theory easier, and thus more rapid, profound, and efficient, for both students and instructors. Comprehensive explanations are favored over conciseness, every step in derivations is included, and ‘big picture’ overviews are provided throughout. See the first two chapters at it .The book focuses on the canonical quantization approach, but also provides an introductory chapter on path integrals. It covers fundamental principles of quantum field theory, then develops quantum electrodynamics in depth. The book focuses on the canonical quantization approach, but also provides an introductory chapter on path integrals. It covers fundamental principles of quantum field theory, then develops quantum electrodynamics in depth.

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