
Modern Text Book of Zoology Invertebrates: Animal Diversity,10th Edition Free Download

Modern Text Book of Zoology Invertebrates: Animal Diversity,10th Edition

About The Book

Zoology textbook xplains on invertebrates, types of species & their characteristics with examples & pictures . The term invertebrates is not always precise among non-biologists since it does not accurately describe a taxon in the same way that Arthropoda, Vertebrata or Manidae do. Each of these terms describes a valid taxon, phylum, subphylum or family. “Invertebrata” is a term of convenience, not a taxon; it has very little circumscriptional significance except within the Chordata. The Vertebrata as a subphylum comprises such a small proportion of the Metazoa that to speak of the kingdom Animalia in terms of “Vertebrata” and “Invertebrata” has limited practicality. In the more formal taxonomy of Animalia other attributes that logically should precede the presence or absence of the vertebral column in constructing a cladogram, for example, the presence of a notochord. That would at least circumscribe the Chordata. However, even the notochord would be a less fundamental criterion than aspects of embryological development and symmetryor perhaps bauplan.

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