
Reindeer and Caribou Health and Disease Free Download

Reindeer and Caribou Health and Disease
Reindeer and Caribou Health and Disease

About The Book

This book is a comprehensive presentation of health and diseases in reindeer and caribou, or just Rangifer, a key Circumarctic species with broad social and ecological value. It is an essential reference for anyone interested in the biology and health of wild or semi-domesticated reindeer and caribou, and is more broadly relevant for those with interests in other species of free-ranging and captive cervids. Beginning with a general introduction to Rangifer as a species, it then focuses on Rangifer “health” as a concept and describes the determinants of health at an individual and population level. Chapters cover a range of topics from nutrition and feeding to stress, non-infectious and infectious diseases, meat hygiene, capture and restraint, diagnosis and treatment of health issues, and finally, potential impacts of climate change on health of Rangifer.

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