Linear Algebra and Probability for Computer Science Applications Free Download

Linear Algebra and Probability for Computer Science Applications

After an introductory chapter on MATLAB, the text is divided into two sections. The section on linear algebra gives an introduction to the theory of vectors, matrices, and linear transformations over the reals. It includes an extensive discussion on Gaussian elimination, geometric applications, and change of basis. It also introduces the issues of numerical stability and round-off error, the discrete Fourier transform, and singular value decomposition. The section on probability presents an introduction to the basic theory of probability and numerical random variables; later chapters discuss Markov models, Monte Carlo methods, information theory, and basic statistical techniques. The focus throughout is on topics and examples that are particularly relevant to computer science applications; for example, there is an extensive discussion on the use of hidden Markov models for tagging text and a discussion of the Zipf (inverse power law) distribution.

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