How to Solve a Crime by Angela Gallop Free Download

How to Solve a Crime by Angela Gallop

Forensic science is one of the most important aspects of any criminal investigation. It can allow the authorities to do everything from positively identify a suspect in a crime to determine exactly when and how a crime occurred. Professor Angela Gallop has been at the forefront of forensics for over 45 years. During her remarkable career, she has worked on hundreds of cases from the seemingly unsolvable to outright bizarre and is often essential in finding the crucial piece of evidence to help solve them. In How to Solve a Crime, Gallop takes readers behind the police tape and into the heart of the crime scene. From being bemused by mediums to helping identify the man who stabbed George Harrison, the crimes in this book offer a real insight into the mind of a forensic scientists. With unparalleled access and insight, Gallop explains what forensic scientists look for in a crime scene and how crimes are really solved.

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