Quantum Chemistry

Problems and Solutions in Quantum Chemistry and Physics PDF Free Download

Problems and Solutions in Quantum Chemistry and Physics PDF

Designed to aid students and teachers in advanced physical chemistry, spectroscopy, or quantum chemistry courses, this carefully written book is unique in the variety of problems covered and the detail of the solutions provided. The book consists of 12 chapters, each of which includes a short introduction, followed by approximately 20 problems with detailed solutions. Also provided in each chapter are approximately 10 supplementary problems, with answers but no solutions. Assuming some facility with calculus, mechanics, and electricity and magnetism, the authors offer thorough and up-to-date coverage of both modern subject matter and standard topics. Interspersed among classic examples are lucid applications involving such topics as Fourier transforms, Poisson brackets, uncertainty, the virial theorem, van der Waals forces, lasers, tunneling, group theory, and the Born approximation. Students will also find 10 helpful appendixes covering a range of mathematical topics, a list of references cited in solutions to the problems, and a Subject Index.

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