Fuzzy logic has shown to be a powerful tool in capturing different uncertainties in engineering systems. In recent years, fuzzy logic based modeling and analysis approaches are also becoming popular in analyzing biological data and modeling biological systems. Numerous research and application results have been reported that demonstrated the effectiveness of fuzzy logic in solving a wide range of biological problems found in bioinformatics, biomedical engineering, and computational biology.Contributed by leading experts world-wide, this edited book contains 16 chapters presenting representative research results on the application of fuzzy systems to genome sequence assembly, gene expression analysis, promoter analysis, cis-regulation logic analysis and synthesis, reconstruction of genetic and cellular networks, as well as biomedical problems, such as medical image processing, electrocardiogram data classification and anesthesia monitoring and control. This volume is a valuable reference for researchers, practitioners, as well as graduate students working in the field of bioinformatics, biomedical engineering and computational biology.
Fuzzy Systems in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Free Download
February 20, 2022
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