Cameos for Calculus Visualization in the First Year Course Free Download

Cameos for Calculus Visualization in the First Year Course

To the benefit of both teachers and students, Cameos for Calculus presents fifty short visual and geometric enhancements to the first-year calculus course. These range from mainstream topics, such as the derivative and combinatorial formulas used to compute Riemann sums, to equally accessible material less often encountered in the course, such as the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality and the Euler Mascheroni constant. The fifty cameos are grouped into five sections: Limits and Differentiation; Integration; Infinite Series; Additional Topics; and an appendix on precalculus topics. Many of these also include exercises with solutions to enhance learning. By gathering various cameos, including many adapted from journal articles and some created for this book, Nelsen presents a collection accessible to teachers of calculus, both for use in the classroom and as supplementary explorations for students.

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