About The Book
Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy, Principles and Spectral Interpretation, Second Edition provides a solid introduction to vibrational spectroscopy with an emphasis on developing critical interpretation skills. This book fully integrates the use of both IR and Raman spectroscopy as spectral interpretation tools, enabling the user to utilize the strength of both techniques while also recognizing their weaknesses. This second edition more than doubles the amount of interpreted IR and Raman spectra standards and spectral unknowns. The chapter on characteristic group frequencies is expanded to include increased discussions of sulphur and phosphorus organics, aromatic and heteroaromatics as well as inorganic compounds. New topics include a discussion of crystal lattice vibrations (low frequency/THz), confocal Raman microscopy, spatial resolution in IR and Raman microscopy, as well as criteria for selecting Raman excitation wavelengths. These additions accommodate the growing use of vibrational spectroscopy for process analytical monitoring, nanomaterial investigations, and structural and identity determinations to an increasing user base in both industry and academia.
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